Monday, February 23, 2015

Faith? What the hells that?

Andrew W. Brabo


 ENG – 101 – 110 Composition 1


Credo: We will never know and are never meant to know. We all know it even if we don’t admit it there is no physical or outstanding evidence that shows any one religion is correct. Yes for each of your faiths you have your own proof say the bible or teaching and proof from stories but no one in their life time can ever see or hear anything in their own life. There is a bigger point to life than the answer to what is the meaning to life. I believe the reasoning is every single human being has an idea or theory for why we are here and why we go through human suffering and what our point is in life.

Too many see the question as the answer to everything, the meaning to life is Christ so now anything that revolves around life was Christ when really you had no right to believe it in the first place. Since the reason why you’re here is because thousands of years ago, well who really knows when, Christ died for our sins, well know what I ask you. What is it you do now you know you can sin? Do you still sin? Of course everyone does, most sins are human nature. Then what’s the point where is the direction of your faith heading you? Nowhere in particular. Religious stories are just so you can know this happened and you can believe that in this world where our selves are lies that the one thing that more than likely should be a lie, is the truth. Why would people have a reason to lie about our faith and make so much evidence out of the fact? And one reason control. When there are too many souls on this earth and we are all lost souls, what happens when everyone realizes there is no point to life. Madness. The only way to control without the bold fact you control is you make the creation theory into fact, then you run the institution that controls that fact that the majority population goes to. Religion doesn’t give us anything we didn’t already have. Every human already has belief, faith, and reassurance for the future but what do we place that in. I take my belief and faith into my own hands and today I can believe any type of crazy theory I want to life. As long as it makes sense to me what do I care if I’m a Christian one day and the rest of the week I only believe in the earth and our universe is our guide. Sometimes I like to think that little bits of every religion is true. But then what is the point, we can never determine the fact is at the smallest point I make. We all know nothing is fact and when you live in an age where everyone has to convert and get new followers for there meaning of life. No ones life is worth anything until they’ve seen my religion. Please, get a damn grip man. I pride myself in the fact we believe faith has givin us so much when I receive the same belief and feelings you get with your religion but yet im the one who sets the rules. I’m the one who gets all the fun and fulfill meant but I didn’t have to put on a shame. I truly believe in everything. Shouldn’t we all, since we are the witnesses of our lives, be the ones who judges how life wants us to live and how we believe we came to be. How is it that a faith one particular thing you did right with life like going to church and following a guide and set of rules that made everything you have and will do. That you’re the one who’s right out of the billions that lived on this earth and tried things to get you to where you are today and answer all those same questions you have. I simply say no. if we are ever truly going to discuss how we find god, what life is and the meaning of all that. Then tell how we all pretend in and out of each day that we don’t feel or see things. Why is it I feel the deep emotion of sadness by seeing someone in distress when really its nothing too serious. Or a dead animal on the road, died because we as men set up laws of our own nature could never understand, as of roads and vehicles. We look at everyday sadness and disbelieve our feelings and reject the things we feel and know. When we know wrong and then still try our hardest to go wrong. We deny our everyday human psychology ,emotions, thoughts and then try to lie to ourselves and the world when the world will always know. (also when I say things like this as the world will always know, that is my faith that our lifes are always know by our higher power that every action and thought is guided by our all knowing force). As I say if we deny ourselves then we don’t know anything. How can we ever see mercy and fairness from our god when we don’t even show it to our fellow man. Our fellow beings and life force. The trees and nature, the thousands of years of ancestry between animals and our even own human connections we throw away. How does anything ever expect the earth to be fair when in everyday life we are not, we are not just, not worthy not good people. I just ask if your own life doesn’t interfere with gods plan, maybe it is us who decides in some way through the actions of humans, what determines everything in life.

  There is so much more to life it seems the only thing to pull people out of the darkness is to convince them in their weakest moments that faith is the only thing. Then the common man believes that faith is life where as faith is really the origins of life, but not a guide or continuation of much when it’s not fact, thus not serving purpose forward as a mass in our modern era. We move on from this, we're stuck too much in old patterns, help us progress for the future instead repeating history and the same fights. We're all different people that have aged on from our ancestors look things over about life, love, liberty and people in a different mind. Fear and war brought on the fact we still argue like children about an answer none of us living will be able to know for 100% beyond all reason of doubt and proof. Nothing physical we can look at and say that is our proof. Only stories of the truth, were as all stories are lies, everything is embellished, looked at differently, maybe even blatant lies are in every religion, as in everyday lives too, that you don't know or do. But nothing is truth as we think of it as 100% of the whole truth. What I know is interpretation is as unique as each person who gives it, why can’t every reason of life as we know it be true at least in some sense. But I see as religion merely as helping us believe that we have something bigger than us and I believe in the strange twisted path of everything being truth with non-fiction, everything and nothing because that is what we are in all aspects is power, in which we all are trying to hold. That was my creedo. Very long but my points are huge as longer than my beliefs. I change every day as a human being, so does my life, my motto and even my religion. I ask only questions because there are no true answers. The whole flaw to my belief is I quite any reasoning I had for faith after I first understood the story of Abraham and Isaac. I would never listen to a god that would have me kill my own son. I would renounce everything I knew and run away from every belief I ever had.

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