Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Came in late writing – Fear

Fear is funny in the way of how it makes us think, over play and stress situations in our head, and can come to positive to very negative consequences of fear. For example the innate feeling of speaking in public is a major fear, we have ways to overcome I believe all our fears while I have overcome many a fears in my life like public speaking just do it over and over practice and you can either get used to the activity or the fear. I usually choose the latter its hard to over come certainly the entire fear what makes you frightful but its easier to live with and many get used to the fear so much they practically live in the damned thing, becoming creatures of fear. Im used to the fear in how I go through and overcome it when it comes and try not to steadily drop into the madness of fear, and that’s when acid comes into play and definitely changes your fear perspective.

Im used to the fear in how I go through and overcome it when it comes and try not to steadily drop into the madness of fear

Im used to the fear in how I go through and overcome it when it comes and try not to steadily drop into the madness of fear, trying not to over explain myself ill do it again. When in the case of fear like when you drive a car and something terrible goes wrong, some shutter and scream, some lay still and panic aloud in there heads while some take action with a stern grin saying dammit its not my day. That’s me I might freak out in my head but really when I have to swerve or am going to wreck if im not driving I will but I had no act in the car no matter what I did it wouldn’t do anything. But when im the one controlling the car I usually curse and mutter a few things before and afterwards but other than that im in the zone knowing that I have to overcorrectly make my moves and hope everything panes out. As in the way that Im calm I do what I do, not without though but definitely with instinct driving me my whole sole purpose I see in the moment as its either me or the universe who wins this one. The fact that the universe lead me to that path knowing or testing wiether we make our fears sink or swim us. And in that mere fact fear is a blessing it gives me the calm collectedness to do things I might not be able to or do one slight thing off or would have to think about it over several seconds where I don’t have time and I make the snap dicision I don’t whole-heartedly know I made and thought of the end results. It enabled me to go through something and make it out,a test, as I said. We all have many fears or few but they are connected with backgrounds, personality types and life, its all a test and I believe ill make mine through the way I see it the fear in us can make us the fool, and kill us from the inside out, or can make us learn to control fear in our own advantage, and I believe that’s life take any advantage you can get so why not turn all your weaknesses to some sort of strengths. I believe all life wants us to do is give us the tools and make us succeed through harsh trial and error if we understand it or , more than likely not, then deciding whatever the world wants that day. Was it your last test? Did you fail or succeed or simply to the best you could? Was it always meant to come out this way or did I or someone else screw it up?, if so then let me at the swine.

I see in the moment as its either me or the universe who wins this one

Fear will make you think that it’s the only thing there is too life it overcomes everything if you let it, just like the darkness can overcome all light, if let be. When you get too caught up in emotional feelings of fear there are numerous ways to dig the endless pit but one way to stop all unnecessary thinking, and just don’t think about it, think of any other thing in perilous long spans of darkening fear. When its in the moment fear then things are a little bit different but what isn’t. when every single instance of a person is unique how come every fright and fear isn’t in its own way a unique fear, never being able to capture the exact moment and never in the exact same way. All thoughts and feelings combine so twistedly that every single instance of a moment is completely different from the last, which Is true emotion. I don’t believe in the thought that we always have an emotion or then its like we always have a secondary mood set and a way to think about things, if we experience emotions one hundred percent of the time don’t you think people would stop and say im tired of feeling the same anger and hatred for something, no its because different circumstances and angers come up millions of different times a day when really it’s the one emotion we cant figure. The universe tries to tell us everything’s connected and has history has been done and hasn’t but its still as simple and complicated as let be.


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