Wednesday, April 29, 2015

story of betrayal

First story fake friends first few days in school I was in this classroom for my English 050 writing class and a guy said I had a cool backpack and it was a strange music backpack, a music label company, and he showed me his tattoo on his hand it was the strange music symbol of a snake and bat and it was badass so we hung out a few times we helped each other out and Ive given him rides and smokes and the same back and forth then one day he needed money and I gave it too him then he disappears for no reason with my money having his girlfriend text me that he went to jail for some reason. Its not the first time he disappeared he quit school and told me he had lung cancer and then left for like 3 months I never heard from him and he never got back to me then one day I randomly see him again at a gas station by my house and hes all excited and said hi we chatted a little bit he told me he went into ramishon and he was in Kansas city. Now for some reason then we hung out again a few times then me and my girlfriend him and his and his buddy got pulled over and his dude had a warrant so of course after that the cops didn’t care as long as they had somebody to pin then they didn’t care. A few times after that was when I gave him my money and yeah it was 75 bucks but it’s the betrayal and the feeling and then finally knowing you were no one and an expendable person the whole time it just makes you say I just wish I had my 75 bucks back and I cant even get that because it was the trust that I had and the betrayal I knew the whole time it just leaves me sorry and pissed needing some revenge. I hope he went to jail at least, then I would have some solace that karma, the universe, god I consider the same thing, got em and I pray me and no one I love has to suffer the same consequence, but we’ll, or at least I, want to keep pushing the boundries. Why you might say for many I would. Too many things just to liven up  a day we would sacrifice everything as to not be alone and not have anything to do. I know I and a plenty number of people would. Whats the price youd pay is a terrible question because we want to push it too far.


but it’s the betrayal and the feeling and then finally knowing you were no one and an expendable person the whole time it just makes you say I just wish I had my 75 bucks back and I cant even get that because it was the trust that I had and the betrayal I knew the whole time it just leaves me sorry and pissed needing some revenge


put revenge isn’t the way after the next time I got ripped off I knew that you just hav to let it go there is nothing you can do unless you want o t start something and not go to jail but fuck its almost worth th e revenge to go back but then again I was a pussy over 24hours I sdont know then you just accept the fact that you see the swind the swine the rat bastard who sand dogged you like that soo h e gets his but im a universe man and believe no matter what happens they see theres they always do but it sthe fact that its too late when it all catches back up just like what himming way said and I cant quote it but I don’t know it by heart only learned it recently but it goes something like this it kills all those gentle good and something like  idont know but it kills all good and gentle and kind first. And if your not it will kill you too just in no hurry no special hurry I think was it. We all suffer our just does but I believe if your kind enough and good enough to th world it repays you, in the way that your karma comes back fast and over time virtually painless unlike waitng til your best m moment and then curshing you like a bug in one instance, but with us it kills us slowly a soonb as possible, then we have more time to deal with the fact then saying with half our time what the hell just happened? Just like a sad sck fool and don’t get me wrong were all sad sack fools at one time or another or always but when were niot we shouldn’t laugh or take pity but help and not waste time with how we or others fell about things. I don’t get popel even my slef but I do understand time and the place around me and as much as we do waste it I can only try to save the miutes I can control. A yws but betrayal how did I getr o far lost and I have the answer just not on paper.  But with betraylal I only get the fact that I want pay back but the world isn’t fair up front and directly because we are so indirectly good to the world so to speak, if I was fair of ocurse life would but it would take twice as many poepople to be fair than not to change the name of the game.


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